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Notes for Dress Rehearsal.


Distributing sweaters in the space can be more even, a few more can come off in the first half of the oval/path.

- body during whispering/walk is better

- Kathryn: make your top arm less bent in hand raise before the 3 elbow jabs in gesture circle (elbow angle more like obtuse than right angle)

- All: remember to follow the sweater with your focus/eyes when Dasan throws

- Kathryn: reminder that you are more stage right of me for your solo material in beg section

- Audrey give Bailey breath cue to stop swimming a little sooner

- Dasan/Bailey go over your duet phrase material

- find more flow/connection in rest of floor phrase after I do the breath cue for arms up

- Audrey/lighting: add another light shift for when we go to diagonal section

- Bailey: we should clarify your gesture moment at end of diagonal section/before rolling

- desire section: let light cue be impetus for starting movement. We can go a little longer too. Remember your personal approach for this score we talked about one day (ex: letting go, giving yourself immediate commands, catharsis, etc) or identify new/additional personal prompt if you feel the need

- music: there's two places I give breath cue kind of based off music - the getting up off the floor for diagonal and the one at the very end. I'll play music and let you know so we are on the same page

Sent from my iPhone

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